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Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Cheerful Children State Licensed?


Does Cheerful Children Daycare enroll infants? 

      No. The youngest we enroll is 12 months of age and the child MUST be walking unassisted. (Per State Licensing) 

What are the hours of operation?

     Monday - Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm

Do you accept RVR?


What type of security precautions do you have for the entrance?

   We use a keypad security system that each parent uses a specific four digit code to enter the building. 

What meals are served during the day?

    Morning snack, Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack.


Do ALL employees have certifications?

     Yes, ALL employees are certified with First Aid, CPR, TB Testing, Drug Tested and Criminal Background check. 

Does my child need to be potty trained?

     No. We will work with each family on what training methods will work best for each child. 


Is there a registration fee?   Is there a preschool fee?

    The registration fee is $25 and is also due the 1st of January where every child needs to renew their paperwork.  The preschool fee is $200 per year.  The first installment is due August 1st and the second installment is January 1st.

Why does every child need to bring a supply of wipes in every month?

    Each child's monthly supply of wipes are used for cleaning up after arts and crafts (painting, markers, glue, etc)

What is your holiday schedule?

    We are closed for your major holidays that include:  New Years Day, New Years Eve,  Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Day after Christmas.

How flexible are you on drop off and pick up times?

    Our doors open in the morning at 7:00am.  We require EVERY child to arrive by 9:00am as that is when preschool starts.

    Our pick up time is BY 6:00- there is a late fee policy of $5 when you're late from 6:00-6:05.  Each additional minute after 6:05 is $5 a minute!

What is the staff to child ratio?

    5:1 for 12 - 24 months 

    5:1 for 2 year olds

    10:1 for 3 year olds

    12:1 for 4 year olds

    15:1 for 5 year olds and older

What supplies do I need to bring for my child?

    A change of clothes in a gallon size baggie, diapers/pullups if needed, pillow/blanket for naptime, and wipes (due at the 1st of every month)

How do you communicate with parents?

    We believe that open communication is a must.  We have always told our parents that if there is an issue, complaint, or question to please call promptly.

    We will give information out to parents by newsletter sent home with each child, phone calls, text messages, The Remind App, Facebook Parent page, or parent conferences.

What type of guidance policy do you use?

    Children will receive positive guidance throughout their day.  We use the 3 step method:

    -  When an undesirable behavior begins to emerge, our first step is to redirect the child to a different activity, while discussing what  appropriate behavior is expected.

    -  The second step is approaching the child, removing them from the situation and offering help with what a good choice would be and suggestions on how to make that good choice.

    -  Should a child continue to display the same undesirable behavior, they will be asked to sit in time out for as many minutes they are old.  Parents will be notified of the child's behavior if it continues and is disruptive to the class.

Are your toys and activities age appropriate?

    Yes, all the toys in each class setting are age appropriate.  Learning experiences are in areas of centers such as:  math, sensory, literacy, science, art, and gross/fine motor skills.

Do you let the children watch TV?

    The only time that we use the SMART TV is so children can have access to watch a show/movie that is appropriate to their lesson plan on what they are learning.  We do not  believe that having cable TV is a good learning experience.  

Do you have a nap schedule?

    Yes, our nap schedule is from 12:00-2:30 everyday.

What happens if my child gets sick?

    If a child develops a fever of 100 degrees or higher, has vomited, or has persistent diarrhea, the child will be isolated and the child's parent will be called to pick them up.  The child must be fever free without the aid of fever reducers for 24 hours before returning.

What do you do for inclement weather?

    Please listen to local news channels for updates on closing due to bad weather.  If the center is closed due to a state of emergency or dismissed early, you the parents are still responsible for payment.  I will do my best to notify parents ASAP of any closing either by text, website, or Facebook Parent Page.

© 2011 Cheerful Children Daycare

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